
Lymphatic drainage (Pressotherapy)

Pressotherapy (or lymphatic drainage, pneumomassage) is an apparatus massage in which compressed air is used. It is kept in a special suit (cuffs) with cosmetology equipment. Or perhaps the effect on the whole body, and the individual parts: arms, legs, lower back, stomach. The device has special software for regulating pressure intensity and time control features. During the treatment the patient does not feel discomfort or pain, on the contrary, heat spreads through the body and muscles relax. 

Pressotherapy is beneficial for cellulite, body weight reduction and skin slackening. Sometimes this technique is recommended after trauma, stroke, surgical operations and joint problems.

According to research, one session of such massage replaces several procedures of manual exposure or 2 workouts in the gym.

This approach is perfect for the sedentary, overweight and undernourished

When the lymph stagnates in the body, there may be various diseases and simply unpleasant conditions. Pneumatic therapy stimulates the movement of the lymph, avoiding pathology. Impulse activity stimulates cellular-level blood circulation and metabolizing processes. Both tissues and organs produce a large amount of oxygen and nutrients. Important functions are restored, and there is general recovery. Excess fluid and contaminants exit from the body. They have an antispasmodic influence. Fatigue passes, stiffness of movements. Patients note a rise in mood and overall tone, a rise in intensity. Press therapy enhances stress tolerance, an immunity.

The achieved effect of pressure therapy

Hands - Hand programs are designed to enhance the blood supply and lymph. The volume reduces due to the exercises, and the skin tightens. Broad cuffs-sleeves are used for massage.

Legs - Pressotherapy can prevent and treat varicose veins in the initial stages of treatment. It's recommended for excess hip thickness, leg swelling. Efficient only for 3rd grade cellulite, sagging skin. Strengthens the blood vessels, and their sound improves. Lightness in the legs is felt after the operation, and exhaustion is relieved.

Body - the whole body treatment is successful on buttocks for cellulite, excess fatty deposits on the stomach. Relieves swelling, tiredness, and enhances skin appearance. It also has a strong general therapeutic effect-enhanced immunity, resistance to stress, excretion of toxins. This is the most effective way to relax and build energy.

Working time:
Mon.—Sat. 09:00—17:00
Our address:
Baku, Badamdar settlement,
A. Abbaszade str. 13a, AZ1073
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