

Eye visometry

Visometry is a traditional technique for checking visual acuity. This technique is the main and necessary one, since in case of cataract, the visual acuity is significantly reduced. With advanced stages, it is possible that this type of perception worsens to the level of correct light perception (distinguishes the position of the light source).

Eye visometry is a combination of methods, including hardware methods, for the study of patient’s visual acuity. One of the basic diagnostic procedures for determining visual acuity is checking with illuminated tables or screens. This tables in 10 rows depict letters of the alphabet or other characters that gradually decrease in size to the bottom. The doctor points to the letters, starting from the top row, and the examined patient calls them. For determining the visometry ophthalmologists often use Landolt tables with rings openings on the right, left, top or bottom side.

Visometry also includes methods of objective analysis of visual acuity using computer technology. This is necessary in the presence of severe low vision and if the subject is suspected of simulation.

Special procedures may include:

  • The “preferred” gaze test for diagnosing vision in children who are more likely to ignore monotonous images and automatically respond to structured objects.
  • The optokinetic nystagmus method which is based on the reflex appearance of eyeballs’ rhythmic movements in the presence of structured images in the patient’s area of vision.
  • The oculist’s investigation of evoked visual potentials - measurement of electric currents (an encephalogram) arising in the occipital region of the cerebral cortex during a demonstration of a chess field to a patient.

With refractive anomaly during visometry, two indicators are evaluated:

  • Relative visual acuity without current optical correction;
  • Absolute visual acuity with the presence of optical correction.

In terms of ease and frequency of use, eye visometry is the most basic procedure for diagnosing vision. However, in the presence of any visual impairment, to clarify the diagnosis, it may be necessary to implement a whole range of other types of research. None of the activities prescribed by a doctor should ever be neglected, because vision is a very complex, vulnerable and at the same time important system of our body.

Computer visometry

In some ophthalmological rooms equipped with the latest technology, a computer test for visual acuity is performed. The patient fixes his gaze on a point in the computer monitor, and after a minute a result is issued with information about visual acuity. The advantages of the technique are obvious - the speed and unconditional accuracy of the examination. However, optical visometry is hindered. In this case, resort to the traditional technique.

Working time:
Mon.—Sat. 09:00—17:00
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