

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

OCT - an abbreviation of the English "optical coherence tomography"

Optical coherence tomography is a method of examining the structures of the eye in depth by collecting photographs of the layers of the retina, optic disks and the anterior portion of the eye.

This approach is used in ophthalmology for the diagnosis and complex monitoring of retinal disorders (in central and peripheral zones), glaucoma (including at asymptomatic stages), anterior section of the eye (for corneal pathology, iris, lens, anterior chamber angles).

Tomography allows you to investigate very small changes in the structure of the retina that cannot be seen using other examination methods (for example, ultrasound). Optical coherence tomography provides unique information about the state of normal eye structures and pathological manifestations.

The study is conducted non-contact, and the procedure itself is painless, safe and does not require special training.

The resulting images can be compared with the built-in database or the values that were obtained during previous visits - they are stored on the hard disk of the computer (observation in dynamics); Images can be saved to other storage media (memory cards, flash drives and disks).

The latest technology for obtaining three-dimensional images (the study takes only 2 seconds, instantly receiving a three-dimensional image of the retina with a volume of 4 mm3) helps to significantly improve the quality of diagnosis of pathological changes and clearly indicate the location of their localization.

An extended study of the retina (the most complete set of maps, tables and graphs) gives a complete picture of the state of the retina.

With this study, you can get high-definition images for a more complete assessment of the state of the retinal layers.

Unique sets of programs for comparing the obtained images (including data from previous studies) allow us to clearly and more fully evaluate the dynamics of the pathological process.

Currently, optical coherence tomography is the most modern way to diagnose the pathology of the structures of the organ of vision.

Diagnostic benefits of OCT:

  • The examination procedure takes only 3 minutes.
  • Examination - non-invasive, contrast agents are not used.
  • Images have a very high resolution.
  • Allows you to get an image of the optic nerve and retina at the same time, in the center and on the periphery.
  • Allows you to get an image with an enlarged or slightly enlarged pupil.
  • Eyes during the examination are not blinded, the light flash is much smaller, for the doctor and patient it is much more comfortable.
  • The automatic rescan function and the eye tracking function during the examination are adapted to changes in position and eye movements, this is a very important aspect for patients with low vision or poor fixation of sight.
  • This apparatus can also be used for examinations if the optical environment of the eye is clouded (for example, in the case of cataracts).
  • Examination of OCT allows you to diagnose the disease at an early stage of their development and begin timely treatment.
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Mon.—Sat. 09:00—17:00
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