
Treatment of retinal pathology

Retinal Disease Treatment

The retina is the thinnest inner shell of the eye, which has a high sensitivity to light and is responsible for the perception of the image. According to medical statistics, retinal diseases, especially vascular, inflammatory and dystrophic lesions, are one of the main causes of blindness and visual disability in the world.

Ultra-modern technical equipment and an appropriate level of qualification allow the specialists in the ophthalmological clinic of Badam Medical to use the most effective and progressive methods of treatment of retinal pathologies.

How to get rid of retinal diseases?

  • Laser treatment: laser coagulation, PPLC;         
  • Surgical treatment (vitreoretinal interventions);         
  • Drug treatment;         
  • Intraocular injections with the drugs "Lucentis", "Eilea", "Ozurdeks".         

Laser treatment

Procedures using advanced laser technologies are carried out as precisely and practically without contact as possible, making it possible to achieve the best quality treatment results and significantly reducing the recovery period. Treatment of retinal diseases does not require anesthesia, which allows the body to avoid unnecessary stress.

Laser coagulation

Laser photocoagulation is used in peripheral and central retinal dystrophies, certain types of tumors, vascular lesions, typical for diabetes or associated with central retinal thrombosis, angiomatosis, age-related macular degeneration and other pathologies.

The procedure consists of the strengthening of the retina - creation of adhesions between the retina and the choroid-and helps prevent the development of retinal detachment, the effectiveness of laser coagulation and the prevention of changes in the fundus.

Peripheral Laser Coagulation

Retinal dystrophy often leads to ruptures and exfoliations in different areas of the retina, which have a negative effect on visual function. The Peripheral Prophylactic Laser Retinal Coagulation (PPLC) procedure allows you to strengthen the retina, protect it from tears and delaminations.

PPLK improves the blood supply to the eye and the nutrition of the affected area of the retina, prevents the penetration of the fluid under the retina and, as a result, prevents its exfoliation. This procedure is recommended for women who have problems with the retina (e.g. due to high levels of myopia) and planning for the birth of children ,- PPLC allows self-delivery without risk to the eyes, allowing you to save the health of expectant mothers eyes.

Surgical treatable

Modern methods and technologies, used in vitreoretinal surgery, are the most difficult areas of surgical ophtalmology, helping to restore the normal functioning of the retina even in situations previously considered hopeless. Vitrectomy and episcleral filling are the main methods of vitreoretinal surgery.


Vitrectomy - a surgery that is directed on partial or complete removal of the vitreous eye. This type of surgery is used for hemorrhage in the vitreous body, severe injuries to the visual apparatus, intraocular infections, as well as in the presence of a number of other indications. With the detachment of the retina and the lesions of its central area, the removal of the vitreous body allows you to access the retina of the eye and take the necessary steps to restore its viability.

The technical equipment of the Badam Medical Center allows vitrectomy to be performed in the most gentle manner, through microscopic punctures. Microinvasive vitrectomy is characterized by less trauma compared to standard surgery, a reduced risk of bleeding, and a short recovery period.

Episcleral stamping

Procedure during which the maximum adhesion of damaged retinal tissue to the choroid is achieved. Episcleral filling consists of the application of fixative fillings to the sclera, the outer protein membrane of the eye, in places of detachment and rupture of the retina.

In the Badam Medical Center, all types of this microsurgical intervention are available for all types and locations of retinal injuries.

Laser beams have very little scattering, so they do not cause damage to the surrounding tissues. Light lasers with different wavelengths (red, yellow, green) are used or combined. In order for the laser beam to be absorbed into the fundus of the eye, it must pass through the optical system of the eye, i.e. E. E. Via the cornea, the lens and the vitreous body, and reach the retina. In the retinal layers, the laser beam is absorbed by melanin, xanthophil and hemoglobin.

Retinal recovery after surgery occurs within 1 - 2 weeks , during this period it is recommended to follow the following restrictions :

  • Refrain from visiting the gym;         
  • Avoid lifting weights ( not more than 3 kg).         

Retinal detachment leads to rapid vision loss and blindness. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor immediately!

Physicians in modern ophthalmic clinics, including our center, have extensive experience in the treatment of retinal detachment, a high-precision high-frequency laser device used for this operation that allows high-level laser coagulation of the retina. Remember that only timely access to qualified medical care would lead to a positive outcome of treatment.

Working time:
Mon.—Sat. 09:00—17:00
Our address:
Baku, Badamdar settlement,
A. Abbaszade str. 13a, AZ1073
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