
Eye b scan

Ultrasound of the eyeball (B-scan of the eye)

The medical term "B-scan" is used to refer to a non-invasive diagnostic method involving the use of ultrasonic waves. Another name for it sounds like "Ultrasound of the orbit of the eye." The technique is highly informative and has proven itself in identifying eye diseases. At the same time, it is less accurate than A-scan.

According to the results of its conduct, the ophthalmologist can determine not only the localization, shape and size of the neoplasm, foreign body, opacities and other types of pathological foci, but also determine their effect on other eye structures. B-scan is widely used in ophthalmology as an independent diagnostic method, as well as in the framework of complex diagnostics.

If you do not know where to do an ultrasound scan of your eyes in Moscow, contact the Ophthalmology Clinic “Sphere”. Our patients always get the best! We have everything that is necessary for this: experienced specialists, a powerful diagnostic base and the desire to help our patients regain their vision.

What is retinal ultrasound?

Ultrasound diagnostics is based on the principle of converting echo signals received from eye structures, followed by obtaining a 2D image. Thus, the attending physician receives a complete picture of the condition of the fundus and tissues. He can determine the anatomical structure of the eye muscles and identify any irregularities in the structure of the retina.

Ultrasound of the eyelid of the eye and other structures is carried out not only for diagnostic, but also for preventive purposes after or before surgery. In the first case, it allows you to evaluate the results of treatment, in the second - the risks and the volume of surgical intervention.

One of the advantages of the technique is the ability to obtain volumetric indicators. Often, modern scanners are equipped with additional modules that allow measurements of eye structures and the distance between its anatomical formations. The results of the study do not depend on the degree of transparency of optical media, so it can be used for pathologies characterized by their turbidity.

Indications for ultrasonic eye study

Most often, a diagnosis is prescribed before the upcoming surgical intervention.

Also, the following factors can become an indication for manipulation:

  • The need to measure the parameters of the optical media of the eyeball;
  • Pupil opacification;
  • Darkening of the white membrane of the eye;
  • Suspicion of an eye injury;
  • The presence of a foreign body;
  • Myopia and farsightedness in the anamnesis;
  • Suspicion of glaucoma;
  • The presence of cataracts;
  • Retinal disinsertion;
  • Complaints of dry eyes, "sand" in the eyes;
  • Possible pathologies of the optic nerve;
  • Hemorrhage inside the eye;
  • Diseases of the muscles of the visual organ;
  • A medical history that may affect vision (e.g. diabetes mellitus);
  • Strabismus;
  • Astesmatism;
  • Regular increase in blood pressure;
  • Pregnancy planning.
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