
Lacrimal catheterization

Probing for nasolacrimal duct (Catheterization of the lacrimal passages)

Probing, bougienage of the lacrimal passages

The scraping, bougienage, and subsequent washing of the lacrimal passages is a therapeutic or diagnostic technique. In the latter case for fluoroscopy, contrast agents are injected into the lacrimal canal.

The treatment is performed outpatiently. A solution of dicaine anesthetic is instilled into the conjunctival eye sac before probing the lacrimal passages. The doctor removes the lower eyelid after he acts and inserts the probe into the lacrimal canal, performing it through the lacrimal canal with caution, effortlessness. At the same time, the patenting of the lacrimal canal is restored, and medicines can be directly injected into the lacrimal gland to remove inflammatory diseases.

In our medical center, professional medical personnel carry out the lacrimal passages in a sterile small operating space, where all the appropriate equipment is available.

Probing and washing of the nasolacrimal passages in children

Unfortunately, obstruction of the lacrimal canals (or dacryocystitis) has become very widespread in recent years. If even though repeated, conservative therapy does not produce a benefit, doctors suggest a lacrimal canal prob. Problems with neonatal nasolacrimeal canals may occur for different reasons. Very likely, these are due to the fact that the lacrimal duct protective film does not crack when a child is born, as it should be.

When catheterization is carried out?

Many parents distrust any surgical operation and are panicky. But is the process of probing too terrible? In newborns, sampling of the lacrimal canal is performed at the age of two or three months. Probing can be undertaken at an early age on a doctor's advice, if the baby's state of health allows.

How does the operation go?

Sampling the lacrimal canals is an operation that is frequently performed, very complicated but simple. The surgery is carried out under local anesthesia. It takes no more than 5-10 minutes in time. After poking, a disinfectant solution is used to wash the lacrimal passages. The procedure requires the precision and adequate expertise of the doctor. Drops are recommended after the procedure to prevent channel interference from receding. In more than 90 percent, lacrimal canal sampling is successful! You should resort to a second procedure in exceptional cases.

Usually the children return to their normal lifestyle within a couple of hours after such an intervention. In some cases, nasal inflammation and minor bleeding were detected by the baby for some time, and they passed themselves.

The attending physician will provide more details about the planning and direction of the procedure to parents.

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Mon.—Sat. 09:00—17:00
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