
Ophthalmology follow up

Ophthalmology follow up (Repeated ophthalmology appointment)

Repeated consultation with an ophthalmologist

Every second resident has some vision issues concerning the ophthalmologists' statistics. And if you calculate on a global scale, then more than 30 percent of the Earth's total population would be people with myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, cataracts, retinal conditions and other eye defects or disorders. The fact that this amount is not ceasing to increase every year is frustrating. There are several explanations for this: this is genetic predisposition, a worsening environmental condition, an inappropriate lifestyle, and computer misuse, and a lack of frequent visits to an ophthalmologist;

But oculists aren't sick of repeating 

Avoiding vision problems is a sure way of shielding yourself from severe potential consequences. It is recommended to test the condition of the visual system at least once every six months even for those who have never worn glasses and now have vision problems, as there are many eye disorders that are asymptomatic, and a person does not realize for a long time that there are vision problems.

Repeated ophthalmologist appointment

Doctors develop a screening plan at the initial appointment, and recommend symptomatic treatment. An optometrist may only make an correct diagnosis after a detailed test. For a second consultation with the test results, you need to come to the ophthalmologist. The specialist will recommend treatment based on these results, and will guide him to further studies if appropriate.

Ophthalmologists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of vision organs diseases:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • cataracts;
  • glaucoma;
  • astigmatism;
  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • injuries and inflammations of the cornea, retina, eyeball;
  • congenital abnormalities of the organs of vision;
  • complications of diabetes, hyperthyroidism, autoimmune diseases.

Many of these diseases require a long and complex treatment. Even a second appointment with an ophthalmologist is required during this period. The ophthalmologist will determine the effectiveness of therapy at the visit, remove side effects according to signs-change appointment, change the medications.

Injuries, eye infections, and eye inflammation can lead to reduced vision. Visual acuity scans are useless during illness. It will still be below normal levels, with inflammation and tissue swelling. After rehabilitation, you will make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and have an comprehensive eye test. The doctor will rule out risks, and will provide advice for myopia prevention.


Working time:
Mon.—Sat. 09:00—17:00
Our address:
Baku, Badamdar settlement,
A. Abbaszade str. 13a, AZ1073
Contact numbers:

Registration form
for using the services
