
Chalazion treatment

Chalazion on the eye - causes, symptoms, treatment

Chalazione and barley continue with a sudden development of the local eyelid edema. Chalazione is caused by meibomian gland non-infectious occlusion, while barley is caused by an infection. All conditions initially cause eyelids to flush, swell and tenderness. Over time, chalazione becomes a small, painless nodule in the center of the eyelid while barley remains painful and is located at the eyelid's edge. The diagnosis is based on data from clinics. The first and most important remedy is the use of hot compresses. Both conditions can be self-healing, but excision or the addition of glucocorticoids into the target (for chalazione) can be used to improve recovery.

Reasons for the appearance of halazion

There are many reasons for the college. Often, determining a common cause of the disease is difficult. Risk factors include rosacea (a condition in which redness of face skin is observed), blepharitis (eyelid edge inflammation). Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus) may cause purulent inflammation to develop, a decrease in local immunity, and immunodeficiency states. Usage of high-density formulations, regular use of mascara and eye shadow, deficiencies in vitamin A and E, non-compliance with eyelid hygiene and individual characteristics of the secret composition of meibomian glands (for example, too thick a secret), all this may lead to inflammation growing.

To understand the stages of the development of the process, let’s analyze the anatomy of the eyelids.

Our eyelids are rich in glands, performing different functions. Columns of meibomian glands are parallel to one another in the thickness of the cartilaginous layer. They create a lipid secretion that is part of the tear and the protective film on the cornea. The tear becomes smoother with it, and serves the tasks of preserving and moisturizing the eye surface better. The meibomic glands are distinguished by the sort of holocrine secretion. Which means the cells of the gland itself are killed when lipids are secreted for tears.

If these cells block the excretory duct, accumulation of dust or cosmetic particles, these same lipids can penetrate the cartilage tissue and induce chronic slow granulomatous inflammation-halazione. Firstly, a cyst forms, it growing slowly, then it forms a thick capsule. The skin above the capsule changes quickly, the skin color is unchanged. Beside the eyelashes, Zeiss sebaceous glands are located, the origin of which is secreted into the hair follicle cavity. The so called area chalazion grows with chronic inflammation of the Zeiss gland.

Typically the procedure does not cause discomfort, but it is a cosmetic downside, and when it is heavy, it may cause a loss in vision due to pressure on the eye.

Calazione also resembles another deep eyelid inflammation-barley (or gordeolum). Pain is an essential symptom which distinguishes those two processes. The eyelid is painful with gordeolum, the skin of the eyelids is altered (redness is noted). Some physical contact on the eyelid with this disease and attempts to squeeze the barley are extremely risky! This can cause inflammation to spread all over the eyelid and lead to irreversible consequences.

How to treat chalazion?

The part spontaneously persists during the acute phase for several weeks or months, using moist, dry compresses and local application of antibiotics / corticosteroid drops or ointments. Nonetheless, surgical therapy is recommended in situations where chalazion isn't spread. This is achieved by local anesthesia, creating an incision on the skin or on the side of the conjunctive and separating it from the surrounding tissues, removing the structure, where possible without disturbing the capsule. When the incision is made on the side of the wound, stitches are added. If the seams don't meet from inside the eyelid. A dressing is added to the eye on the day of surgery and can be removed the next day.

After surgery the patient will not drive himself while returning home because of a closed eye. There may be a bruise on the eyelid which may last for up to 2 weeks. It is recommended that dry cold compresses be made on the first day to reduce postoperative edema and bruise. Antibiotics are administered locally after the procedure, in the form of a drop or ointment. For certain cases, it is recommended that the surgical material be examined histologically to validate its good quality.

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