
Treatment of intraocular tumors

Intraocular tumor: diagnosis and treatment

Intraocular tumor

All eye tumors are divided into 3 groups - the eyelid and the appendages of the eye , the eyeball itself ( intraocular tumors ) and the eye orbit tumor . Intraocular tumor occupies the frequency 2- place and is the most dangerous , because it directly affects the structure of the eyeball .

What is an intraocular tumor ?

Viral infections, inflammation and trauma, intoxication, excessive exposure to sunlight, ionizing radiation, many tumors are congenital, are the most common causes of eye tumor development. The disease can be most effectively treated abroad.

Types of intraocular tumors

Intraocular tumors can be primary, growing from the tissues of the eyeball, and secondary, these are cancer metastases from other organs ( lungs, breast, kidneys, prostate, skin ). They are also divided into 2 groups - benign and malignant.

Further, depending, of which structure and eye tissue is a tumor, there are the following kinds of it:

  • Rising of the sclera, cornea, iris and ciliary body ( leiomyoma, nevus, papilloma, dermoid cyst, melanoma, squamous - cell carcinoma);         
  • Growing from the choroid (nevus, hemangioma, adenocarcinoma, melanoma, lymphoma);         
  • Gowing from the retina (astrocytoma, dactioma, retinoblastoma).

Malignant include retinoblastoma (a congenital retinal tumor) and melanoma, which may grow from the eye or be metastatic. High malignant tumor of the eye is also a lymphoma that occurs when a patient has a blood disease-non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Determination of the exact form of the disease and its causes-one of the main tasks of physicians conducting retinoblastoma treatment abroad.

Symptoms of an intraocular tumor

Manifestations of an eye tumor will depend on the location, nature and size of the tumor. Visually, only tumors of the outer membrane of the eye can be identified-sclera, cornea, iris.

The department treats patients with both benign (hemangiomas, vasoproliferative) and malignant (melanomas) choroid neoplasms.

Diagnosis of choroid tumors:

  • Optical coherence tomography - contactless diagnostic method, which allows to determine the status of retina and optic nerve, and identify their changes in the early stages of the disease. Angio-tomography - a method of quantitative and qualitative evaluation of microvascular posterior segment of the eye.
  • A biopsy of an intraocular tumor is an invasive diagnostic method that carries a risk of developing surgical complications ( most often hemorrhagic ). It is used relatively rarely . Recently, it has been used to obtain biological material for genetic research .
  • CT / MRI of the orbits is a non-contact diagnostic method, which in some cases reveals an intraocular formation, secondary retinal detachment.
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