
Schirmer's Test (Dry Eye Test)

Dry eyes or keratoconjunctivitis

Dry eye syndrome is a common eye disease that occurs when the surface of the eye is not sufficiently moistened (cornea, conjunctiva, and tear film). This is because the eye does not produce the required number of tears to maintain good hydration and lubrication or poor quality tear fluid.

What is dry eyes?

Dry eye is a chronic syndrome that can cause discomfort in a patient, and in more severe cases, serious vision problems and trauma to the ocular surface.

Low production of tears or their poor quality is due to the insufficient function of the meibomian glands located in the upper and lower eyelids. These sebaceous glands secrete lipids, which serve to moisturize and lubricate the surface of the eyes, and at the same time prevent the evaporation of the tear film, which covers and protects the eyes.

Schirmer's Test

Due to the fact that this is a chronic disease, the treatment of dry eyes will be long-term. In addition, it will be prescribed after an individual assessment of each case and a study of the general condition of the patient.

Treatment for patients with dry eyes usually includes:

  • Proper eyelid hygiene. This eliminates excessive discharge, which can cause other concomitant eye diseases (blepharitis).
  • The use of artificial tears. This type of treatment will help maintain moisture in the ocular surface.
  • Use of anti-inflammatory eye drops or antibiotics and corticosteroids.
  • Eyelid cleansing to remove residues caused by peeling and bacteria that accumulate due to lack of tears.
  • Probing of the meibomian glands to open the lacrimal canal and extract the secretions accumulated in it.
  • Blocking the lacrimal ducts by introducing silicone or gel plugs into the lacrimal canal so that natural tears stay in the eye longer.

Dry Eye Tips

  • There are precautions that we can take to avoid or reduce the risk factors that cause dry eye syndrome.
  • Take into account environmental factors. Avoid prolonged use of air conditioners and heaters. In addition, it is recommended to protect the eyes with glasses, make small pauses to prevent eye fatigue, use moisturizing drops, etc.
  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids in order to improve the quality of tears.
  • Abandon unhealthy habits that can affect the eyes, such as smoking.
  • Rest after a long reading or using screens that affect the frequency of blinking.
  • Good hygiene of the eye area, especially the eyelids.
  • Use moisturizing gels or artificial tears to keep your eyes moisturized.

In any case, it is always necessary to consult an ophthalmologist to prescribe an individual treatment if you notice any symptoms or discomfort in the eyes.

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