
Computer refractometry

Eye refractometry

Autorefractometry is a modern form of eye refraction analysis by computers. The treatment is painless, completed in a few minutes and offers reliable evidence on reduced refractive defects in both adults and children (hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism).

Autorefractometry refers to quantitative approaches for the clinical refraction assessment. Refraction is the optical-eye system's ability to refract light rays. Available in diopters. The human eye is a dynamic organ of the senses that is a living optical device. A beam of light passes through the cornea, the atmosphere of the anterior and posterior tubes, the lens and the vitreous and focuses on the retina. At the same time a diminished inverted image is created on the retina, and it is replicated correctly by our brain only after it is transformed into electromagnetic impulses.

Autorefractometry is used to pick glasses and is not done when the lens, vitreous body or cornea are clouded, as the light beam and its reflection are disrupted in this case.

The refractometer emits infrared light during the test. The light rays are refracted by going through optical material, entering the retina and the fundus, reflecting from which they return. At this time a special electronic unit's sensors record the image in and after the retina before reflection. Next, a computer program analyzes the obtained parameters and gives the value of refraction.

It is crucial to neutralize accommodation for the proper determination of refraction-it is vital that the eye is at rest and no intraocular muscle activity interferes with the proper procedure. In do so, the patient's attention is centered on an image that appears to be incredibly distant. If a schematic mark was used earlier, then a drawing of a Christmas tree or a balloon is substituted in new devices-this lets the eye catch the familiar shape which significantly reduces the error.

The scientific term "refractometry" is used to assess vision refraction and its defects in an objective way. The method involves the use of special devices called refractometers, and has high diagnostic value. Thanks to him, it is possible to identify such common refractive errors as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

The refractometry process was first employed in Germany in the year before last (19th). A refractometer then acted as an ophthalmoscopic mirror and a collection of interchangeable lenses. Modern ophthalmology has automatic refractometers in the computer which record light signals reflected from the inner eye membrane.

Refractometry - determination of eye refraction

Eye refractometry is a painless non-invasive, objective diagnostic procedure for the patient. It is based on the measurement of the ratio of the cornea, vitreous body and lens refractive power to the eye's longitudinal axis in an optical equilibrium state.

The method has found broad application in ophthalmology, as it helps you to determine not only emmetropy-normal refraction, in which image formation happens as it should (on the retina), and ametropy.

The latter is characterized by irregular changes in eye refractive capacity, leading to refractive errors like:

  • Myopia - image formation occurs in front of the retina;
  • Hyperopia - image formation occurs behind the retina;
  • Astigmatism - the rays of light on the retina converge at one point, which is why the image is not formed correctly.
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