

Myopia is a visual disability that a person in the vicinity sees well, and in the distance-poor. You may use glasses or contact lenses with negative optical power values to solve the problem. This defect lies in the fact that the image is not concentrated on the retina, but in front of it, because of the refraction phenomenon. Myopia is an ametropic-type.

External physical causes

The most common cause is an enlarged eyeball which results in the location of the retina behind the focal plane. A rarer alternative is when the eye refractive system focuses the rays more intensely than required (and therefore converges not on the retina, but before it). In either of the options a blurred, distorted image appears while viewing distant objects on the retina.

Genetically determined can be the rise in the length of the eyeball and development in adolescence. 

Myopia can also be induced by ciliary muscle spasms (at a young age), keratoconus (a change in corneal shape), lens displacement during trauma (subluxation, dislocation), and lens sclerosis (at an older age). 

Associated factors for the appearance of myopia include early and intense visual stress at close range, prolonged use of computers and gadgets; lack of physical development; endocrine changes in the body during puberty; lack of calcium, zinc and selenium, hypovitaminosis; decreased immunity; adverse environmental conditions and poor nutrition and breathing; increased catabolic processes of connective tissue.

A small, ophthalmic excursion. Rays of light that penetrate the eye will concentrate on the retina when the cornea and lens excessively alter their course. In ophthalmology such a disease is called myopia, or myopia. Under optimal conditions the picture focuses most clearly on the retina as the optical structures work well-and the eye sees well. The condition is known as emmetropy. The third choice is when the cornea and lens are too slow in their function, so there is no time for the rays of light to assemble into a clear picture on the retina. That is hyperopia, or clairvoyance.

Now you can understand why a person doesn't see well with myopia: a mismatch between optical strength and eyeball size, in which light rays form a picture until they enter the retina. And the image is blurred again when they finally get on it. 

Unfortunately, at present no one in the world has been able to find the cause of myopia. It is likely that the problem does not lie in any one factor, but incorporates many different, which at first glance are not even related to themselves. So, it is believed that increased visual stress, spending a small amount of time outdoors, the presence of myopia in parents can contribute to the appearance of such in children.

Usually, the progression of myopia is detected during the first two decades of life. This is due to the fact that the main eye growth in a person is fixed at this age. There are currently no effective methods of completely stopping eye growth.

Treatment of myopia

To a person with myopia, however, not everything is so hopeless. There are several ways to repair it. They can be divided into permanent and temporary. The first involves glasses and various types of contact lenses. They enhance vision, thus altering nothing in the eye anatomically. This is possible since a spectacle or contact lens has an external optical impact on the direction of the light rays reaching the eye. Thus at the right place, that is, on the retina, the best definition image is formed. But their effect is temporary, since your poor eyesight instantly returns after removing glasses or contact lenses.

Laser correction and replacement of the lens with an intraocular lens are a permanent method for correcting myopia. After carrying them out, glasses or lenses are not required, and vision is restored to the maximum possible values. The effect of these interventions usually lasts throughout life.

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